Foundation Services
The care is comprehensive and is provided from different areas: nutrition, pedagogy, psychology and social work, to boys, girls and young people with visual or hearing disabilities associated or not with intellectual disabilities, linked in the Boarding School modality under a protection and restoration measure. Of rights by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF).

Our mission is to bring education, growth, inclusion and participation of society, companies and people to focus efforts on the development of the most vulnerable.
- Promoting the development of Occupational Skills: Acquiring skills that enable young people and adults to achieve labor, productive, and social inclusion, so they can pursue their life goals.
- Enhancing the development of Adaptive Skills: Acquiring and reinforcing basic skills for those who face difficulties in performing daily life activities.
- Providing guidance and support to families to help them overcome various challenges they encounter.
Our mission
The primary objective of the JUAN ANTONIO PARDO OSPINA FOUNDATION is to protect, educate, promote, work and act permanently as guarantors of compliance with the rights and care of people with visual, cognitive and multiple disabilities, inspired by the Christian principles, and in accordance with this objective, will develop activities related to the comprehensive and preventive protection of population groups that are in a situation of violation of their fundamental rights, in co-responsibility with the state and the different organizations of society; seeking the guarantee and compliance of constitutional and legal rights within the framework of comprehensive protection, taking into account their best interest and according to the regulations of the Colombian social state of law and quality standards, within the framework of equality and human dignity without any discrimination. Activities: in carrying out its purpose, THE JUAN ANTONIO PARDO OSPINA FOUNDATION will carry out, among others, the following activities: Contribute to the search for comprehensive solutions for the problems of the blind and other people with disabilities, especially stimulating prevention activities and education with modern and adequate systems. Promote education and total integration into society through intellectual and spiritual preparation and training for the productive process in all areas of economic activity. Offer children, girls, and other people with visual, cognitive, and multiple-capacity disabilities, care and scientific, technical, pedagogical, and spiritual aid in order to guarantee them a better quality of life.
Our vision
The Institute is projected for the year 2040, as an innovative entity in the development of educational methodologies, which takes into account technological advances and promotes the well-being of the population with visual, intellectual and multiple disabilities, supporting public policies, to contribute to the improvement and quality of life of each person inspired by Christian principles.
- Respect: Recognize the other as a valuable, worthy and different human being
- Honesty: Act consistently with truth and justice, demonstrating sincerity and loyalty in all actions.
- Humility: Recognize the physical, intellectual and emotional capabilities of others
- Solidarity: Helping others in difficult circumstances
- Transparency: Act in a clear, open and timely manner, generating trust in what we do
- Spirituality: It is believing and respecting the existence of a Supreme Being
Our history
Cómo Empezamos
Coexistence manual
The coexistence manual is an instrument developed jointly by the entire educational community; it describes rights and incentives, duties and procedures for those who benefit and the institution’s staff. In accordance with current laws such as the law on childhood and adolescence, in order to facilitate the educational process, healthy coexistence and the integral formation of the human being, promoting the formation of values.
Best friends
Promote healthy lifestyles in children, adolescents, and young people through daily practices, generating the acquisition of appropriate habits that guarantee their health and general well-being. Strengthen the basic and specific competencies and life skills of children, adolescents, and young people, contributing to the strengthening of the life project through the development of theoretical-practical activities. Promote the construction of scenarios for participation and peaceful coexistence of children, adolescents, and young people, through recognition as subjects of rights and healthy coexistence.
Our services
Comprehensive care from different areas: nutrition, pedagogy, psychology, social work for boys, girls, young people, and adults with intellectual, visual or hearing disabilities associated or not with intellectual disabilities and with multiple disabilities, among others, which are linked in the following programs:
- Stimulation
- Workshop group
- Workshop group
- Schoolchildren
- Higher training